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Specialized Transport Windsor Ontario
We Deliver...

  When it comes to moving the equipment that moves your business, we are ready to help. Partnering skilled operators with specialized equipment, Dupuis comes prepared to get the job done.


  With a unique fleet of heavy trucks and trailers, our team always shows up and takes the load off your mind. It can be that easy. 

Specialized Transport Windsor Ontario Overzied Load Wide Load
...Quality. Consistantly.

  Dupuis Specialized Transportation Inc. wasn't founded yesterday. Learn about the family business that started over 40 years ago, and how far they have come in that time. 

Specialized Transport Windsor Ontario contact phone number quote trucking
Contact Our Team.

  Please allow our team to help you get started. Our staff are awaiting your call or email, and are eager to help you and your team get moving. 

(519) 735-0135

Contact Us

Please contact our team to request more information:

Areas We Cover

  With our main office located strategically in Southwestern Ontario, we remain central to many of our valued clients. No distance  is too far and no freight is too large, contact our team at Dupuis and let us take care of the rest!





​© Copyright 2020 Dupuis Specialized Transportation // Maidstone Ontario, Canada

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